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Study: Coconut Oil Improves Memory and Brain Function

In our age of science as the new religion and science experts are the high priests, empirical evidence is considered anecdotal and dismissed or marginalized. Coconut oil has a lot of empirical evidence showing how it prevents or reverses dementia, which some consider diabetes 3 or diabetes of the brain.

No matter now many of these stories surface, mainstream media constantly refers to experts who insist on demanding studies only. It seems the medical field needs to know how something works with detailed explanations rather than relying on the observable empirical fact that people using coconut oil can prevent or recover from dementia and other neurological issues.

There are many empirical episodes of improving memory and slowing or reversing dementia with coconut oil that are dismissed as “anecdotal.” Fortunately there are increasing scientific studies that corroborate the many remarkable testimonies of recovering from dementia to perhaps convince naysayers of coconut oil’s health and healing properties.

A Recently Published Malaysian Coconut Oil Animal Study

The in-vivo (animal) study “Enhanced memory in Wistar rats by virgin coconut oil is associated with increased antioxidative, cholinergic activities and reduced oxidative stress” was published in January of 2017.

In case you’re wondering how rodents that don’t read or write or respond to visual cues of symbols can be tested for cognitive capacity and memory, it’s done with the Morris water maze (MWM).

But this particular research activity went beyond observing the rats’ ability to learn and remember what they had learned. The researchers wanted those biochemical details and the mechanics of their activities to understand just how virgin coconut oil (VCO) enhances memory.

The rats were randomly assigned into the control group with normal feed and saline only, and three groups with virgin coconut oil (VCO) of varying amounts added to normal feed. The VCO used was comprised of lauric acid (47.03%), myristic acid (18.71%), caprylic acid (7.93%), palmitic acid (8.86%), capric acid (5.84%), oleic acid (5.52%), stearic acid (3.27%), linoleic acid (0.87%) and caproic acid (1.88%).

For 31 days, the control group and VCO groups were fed according to the above proportions and their Morris water maze activities were observed. Although the VCO fed rats displayed superior learning and memory abilities, especially those fed the most VCO.

After 32 days, they were “sacrificed” by “cervical disconnection,” considered a humane euthanizing method that doesn’t pollute their internal biochemical content, allowing an uncontaminated biochemical assay and mechanical analysis of the dynamics involved with their improved memory and cognitive capacity.

The researchers removed the rats’ brains to analyze the biochemical properties enhanced of varying VCO amounts compared to the control group with saline only added. They discovered dose dependent increased cholinergic activity, specifically the neurotransmitter ACh, in rat brains of the VCO groups. ACh plays an important role in effective synaptic transmission during acquiring new information and consolidation of memory.

Also observed were VCO polyphenols and ketones induced changes of antioxidant status and reduced oxidative stress and inflammation in the rat brains whose memory and learning skills were noticeably improved during MWM testing.

The research paper stated as part of its findings:

The promising outcomes of this study strongly imply the possible use of VCO, not only as neuroprotective agents for those suffering from neurodegenerative diseases, but also as brain food (supplements for the health populations). (Full study text)

A Canadian VCO Study From Around the Same Time

This was an in-vitro (lab culture) study titled “Coconut oil protects cortical neurons from amyloid beta toxicity by enhancing signaling of cell survival pathways” and also published recently (2017).

From their observations of adding coconut oil to cultures with rat brain neurons they observed:

Coconut oil and its medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) protect against amyloid beta (Aβ) induced neurotoxicity in primary rat cortical neurons.
Amyloid beta is a protein fragment precursor to amyloid plaque and brain tangles that manifest dementia. Coconut oil also stimulated Akt protein enzyme pathways, which play a key role in multiple cellular processes such as glucose metabolism, apoptosis, cell proliferation, transcription and cell migration.
The researchers also observed coconut oil’s medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) or medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) ketone body influence as energy for a brain that is glucose impaired by insulin resistance, considered brain diabetes or type 3 diabetes.

The complete coconut oil proved more effective than lauric acid, and neurons treated 24 hours prior to amyloid beta introduction was most beneficial, implying the protective aspect of coconut oil against neuro-degenenerative disease. (Abstract source)

This is yet more science to confirm what many report from their personal experience by consuming coconut oil at two to four tablespoons daily. Even senior moment memory issues and brain fog has been resolved by ingesting coconut oil at the lower amounts while higher amounts have been known to lower serious Alzheimer’s symptoms. (Source)

Virgin coconut oil is indeed a superior safe and inexpensive brain food.


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