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March 2017


But Don’t Expect More Mainstream Media to Follow this Repentance on Saturated Fats

Reversing years of negative press on saturated fats, Time Magazine has finally admitted defeat on this issue, reversing course and admitting that the war on fat was wrong. They even expose the junk science that supports this dietary philosophy.

So why this sudden change of heart on saturated fats?

We reported earlier this year on how commodity food manufactures have admitted defeat in the war pitting margarine against butter: butter won. Butter consumption is at an all-time high now, as consumers wised up before mainstream media told them it was OK to start eating it again.

So with major commodity food manufacturers beginning to put REAL butter back into some of their processed foods, it would seem they have given the OK to the mainstream media to report what has been known to consumers for many years now, and validated by REAL science: saturated fats are not the enemy.

So here we are in 2014. The consumers have spoken:

“We don’t believe you. Give us back our butter.”

The food manufacturers have admitted defeat and the Time Magazine cover story reads: “Ending the War on Fat”

Don’t be fooled by Time’s assertion, however, that it is “new science” that has uncovered this truth about saturated fats not being bad for us after all.

It is not new. The science supporting the health benefits of saturated fats has been around for decades.

In another story covering this topic, Time Magazine’s Bryan Walsh reviews the recently published book by Nina Teicholz: The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet.

However, this recently published book reveals nothing new. Nina has been publishing this information for years now. In 2007, she published an article for Men’s Health which was also published for NBC News titled: What if bad fat isn’t so bad? No one’s ever proved that saturated fat clogs arteries, causes heart disease.

Years before this, in 2002, science writer Gary Taubes made waves with his article in the N.Y. Times: What if It’s All Been a Big Fat Lie? Taubes wrote how the scientific consensus had changed the previous 10 years before that, showing that the low-fat diet did not work and only led to the consumption of more carbohydrates which was ruining the health of Americans and contributing to obesity. He has written several books since then.

And even years before Gary Taubes’ landmark article in the N.Y. Times, a PhD. biochemist nutritionist from the University of Maryland by the name of Mary Enig was documenting the history of fats and oils in America, showing that the anti-saturated fat campaign that ushered toxic trans fats into the U.S. market was based on politics and not science. Her article “The Oiling of America” in the Weston A. Price magazine in 1999 remains one of the best articles ever written on the politics versus science of edible oils in America.

This video clip of an actual CBS news report in the 1970s covering the “McGovern Report” Congressional Hearings where the low-fat anti-saturated fat dogma became an official part of the USDA dietary guidelines that exists until this day, will show that even the scientists of that time opposed this junk science:
When Gary Taubes wrote his article in the N.Y. Times in 2002, he mentioned how Dr. Atkins had been right all along with his dietary guidelines of a high-fat diet limiting carbohydrates, and the consumers listened. Low-fat and high-carb was out. Low-carb and high-fat was in. Consumer demand completely changed the food industry.

But still, with few exceptions, mainstream media and Big Pharma did not listen and continued to push a dietary philosophy that still exists to this day, and which continues to do great harm to people’s health.

How Many Lives have the Bogus Research of Ancel Keys Ruined?

So as some in the national mainstream media have now been apparently given the green light to start printing the truth regarding saturated fats, the sordid history of how the attack on saturated fats began is being told. Here it is according to

The war against fat was started by one man: Much of what we think we know about the supposed dangers of high fat intake comes from a single research project by a charismatic Minnesota pathologist named Ancel Keys. His Seven Countries Study compared the health and diet of nearly 13,000 middle-aged men in the U.S., Japan and Europe, and ostensibly found that populations that consumed large amounts of saturated fats in meat and dairy had high levels of heart disease, while those who eat more grains, fish, nuts and vegetables did not. The influential Keys relentlessly advocated the theory that fat caused heart disease, persuading the AHA in 1961 to issue the country’s first-ever guidelines targeting saturated fat—and he wasn’t shy about shouting down any researcher who questioned his data.

Yet it turns out there was a lot to question. Keys chose the countries most likely to confirm his hypothesis, while excluding nations like France—where the diet is rich in fat but heart disease is rare—that might have challenged it. “When researchers went back and analyzed some of the data from the Seven Countries study, they found that what best correlated with heart disease was no saturated fat intake but sugar,” says Teicholz. (Source.)

But this story is not being told for the first time. This is a summer re-run of an old story that has been in print for decades, as Dr. Mary Enig wrote about the short-comings of Ancel Keys work numerous times in the 1990s and beyond.

In 2011, Paul John Scott wrote an editorial for the Star Tribune criticizing the University of Minnesota research of Ancel Keys. In a very astute commentary he clearly showed just why the mainstream media and Big Pharma were not so eager to criticize the junk science of Ancel Keys, and why even today this anti-saturated fat myth will continue to be official USDA dietary dogma:

In fact, one could argue that Minnesota-based research has its fingerprints on the most damaging wrong turn ever taken in how we think about cardiovascular illness, a mistake that continues to cost our nation in sickness and in dollars, and one for which health authorities remain too embarrassed, confused, blinded by ideology or loyalty to tribe to concede.

We told the world that heart disease is caused by elevated cholesterol and that reducing saturated fat in the diet reduces this risk. That led the country to embrace the lowering of cholesterol with medications.

All of those assumptions have proven themselves to be either overstated, oversimplified or wrong, and that has led us astray. Would it be too much for the leading cardiologists in our community to admit as much?

“It was also nearly 60 years ago,” as Dr. Daniel J. Garry extolled on these pages (“Treating heart disease at the U: A story of steady innovations,” April 14), “that University of Minnesota scientists — Dr. Ancel Keys along with Drs. Francisco Grande and Joseph Anderson — defined the relationship between dietary fat and serum cholesterol, which linked cholesterol to heart disease.”

Garry went on to praise the creation of cholesterol-lowering drugs that stemmed from Keys’ work.

Keys constructed his hypothesis after studying the diets and heart disease in countries across the globe.

But his research left out nations with data that did not match the hypothesis, and even within the data he published, populations existed in which diet and heart disease were wildly out of synch with his model.

By 1970, an English researcher named John Yudkin would argue that sugar in the diet was the cause of heart disease in wealthy nations, but Keys, sensing that his theory was suddenly vulnerable to reconsideration, aggressively led the charge to have that research discredited.

Today, the low-fat advice that ensued from Keys’ research is seen as having had a blowback. It caused a rise in our consumption of refined carbohydrates and added sugars, thereby causing metabolic syndrome characterized by a rise in triglycerides and a lowering of HDL, or good cholesterol.

Statins lower LDL, or “bad cholesterol,” and thanks to Keys, the lowering of LDL has become “the primary focus of preventive medicine in the United States,” in the words of Dr. John Abramson, author of “Overdosed America.” (Source.)

Yes, the research of Ancel Keys led not only to poor dietary guidelines which have fooled people for decades, but it also led to the development of the most lucrative class of drugs ever sold in the history of mankind: cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.
Time Magazine Cover from 1984 blaming cholesterol from saturated fats as a cause of heart disease.
So while Time Magazine has repented of the anti-saturated fat junk science, don’t expect Big Pharma and the USDA dietary guidelines to change anytime soon. They have much more to lose in the market place than just slumping sales of margarine due to consumer demand for butter. No, what is at stake here is a multi-billion dollar industry of lowering people’s cholesterol levels through medication.

So until Americans wake up and realize that statin drugs are one of biggest scams in the history of health care, the cholesterol anti-saturated fat myth will persist. Butter is healthy (if comes from milk of healthy cows), and adding healthy saturated fats back into the diet (including coconut oil) is a positive step in the right direction.

But until consumers start “saying no to drugs” – statin drugs – the nation’s health will continue to suffer. The cholesterol drug war rages on.


Celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz exclaimed on national TV not long ago:
Alarm bells are ringing. The CDC estimates that one third of all Americans will develop diabetes and will live 15 years less and lose quality of life. No public health problem compares in scale.
Some considered Dr. Oz’s public statement fear mongering. One health journalist claimed mainstream medicine had diabetes all under control prescribing insulin.
It can be confusing. At first one may wonder where are all the diabetics who have to inject insulin? That’s the notion most of us have had, but the epidemic is surging among those who are not diabetic type 1. It’s happening as diabetes type 2.
The burgeoning diabetes epidemic comes mostly in the form of type 2 diabetes. Of the 29.1 million cases of diabetes estimated in 2014, only 1.25 million were type 1 diabetic, less than five percent. Type 2 diabetes is actually a life style disease, preventable with proper exercise and diet, and even reversible the same way.
Pharmaceutical medications for type 2 diabetes rarely if ever improve that condition, and their side effects are actually precursors for other diseases, even cancer. A type 2 diabetic prescribed insulin will most likely become type 1 diabetic instead of curing type 2.
Diabetes 2 is happening among a large portion of our population who are victims of SAD, the Standard American Diet of processed and fast foods as well as other poor and sedentary lifestyle choices. And injecting insulin for type 2 diabetics, though sometimes prescribed, is decried as the wrong approach by others who consider it like pouring kerosene on a fire to put it out.

The Words and Terms Differentiating Diabetes Types

You will often see the term diabetes mellitus used instead of diabetes alone. Both words describe the same type of diseases. The etymology of both words is Greek. Diabetes means passing through as a siphon. Mellitus means sweet. Ancient medical practices would observe ants being attracted to one’s more profusely produced urine because it was high in glucose that wasn’t being utilized as energy by the body.
Type 1 diabetics are usually diagnosed at younger ages. They suffer from a genetically predisposed autoimmune disease that destroys the pancreatic beta cells responsible for creating insulin. Autoimmune diseases are where the immune system mistakenly and chronically attacks one’s own organs.
Diabetes 1 victims are considered incurable and wind up artificially compensating for their pancreatic inability to produce insulin by injecting synthetic versions. Managing type 1 diabetes requires a lifetime of injections and careful meal planning. Insulin is what manages and carries glucose into cells for metabolizing energy.
Type 2 diabetes is a matter of cellular insulin resistance no matter how much insulin the pancreas may create. Now energy creating glucose from carbohydrates are denied from being utilized by cells because their insulin escort is blocked. Thus high blood sugar readings and overweight expanded waistlines are the early symptoms of diabetes type 2. Type 1 diabetics tend to be underweight.

Symptoms and Management

If not managed, diabetes can become deadly. From early stages of prediabetes, which afflicts an estimated 86 million Americans, the progression to full blown diabetes 2 looms if lifestyle and dietary changes are ignored. It’s not unusual for one who is prediabetic to not even be aware of his or her condition.
Observable symptoms for prediabetes and diabetes include expanded waistlines, excessive thirstiness, increasing fatigue or low energy, increased urination, especially nocturnal, rapidly diminishing eyesight, increased cravings for sweets and refined carbohydrates, and most importantly, fasting blood sugar levels above 100.
If you use a do it yourself blood sugar measuring kit that reads near 100 often, it may be wise to have a doctor measure your blood sugar with better equipment. A lot of those symptoms mentioned could be from other sources. So visiting a competent health practitioner with the right equipment for testing will help decide whether it’s prediabetes, diabetes 2, or other health issues.
The sedentary lifestyles within our toxic environments while consuming unhealthy food-like substances, smoking cigarettes, and using pharmaceuticals to compensate for low energy and various aches and pains are elements for brewing the perfect storm to blow in diabetes type 2. Then even more serious problems become inevitable unless lifestyle matters are addressed.
If unchecked, diabetes can result in a progression of maladies from high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) that may lead to heart disease, kidney disease, blindness, amputations, Alzheimer’s, and even cancer and premature death.
Arterial disease of the arteriosclerosis type, the thickening and hardening of arteries, is also common among advanced stage diabetics. It’s commonly held that diabetes can be a precursor for heart disease.
Some progressive health practitioners now consider Alzheimer’s as diabetes 3 and advise a ketogenic diet high in healthy whole fats including coconut oil, which has demonstrated success in improving the conditions of Alzheimer’s patients better than all pharmaceutical attempts. (Source)
Non injury lower extremity amputations are highest among diabetics, especially those who smoke, due to Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD). Blindness is also high among diabetics who don’t see the light early enough and depend on pharmaceutical drugs for their treatment instead invoking lifestyle changes.
Finnish studies determined that type 2 diabetics were more prone to Parkinson’s disease. Danish studies later confirmed what was determined in Finland earlier with additional evidence pointing to pharmaceutical diabetes medications as a significant contributing factor toward Parkinson’s.
The diabetic pharmaceutical medication factor is worthy of further discussion. MDs have the equipment for fully testing prediabetes and diabetes 2. And it’s worth visiting them for that.
But what they prescribe should be avoided. Those medications don’t work without lifestyle changes and their side effects are dangerous.

Avoiding Pharmaceuticals for Diabetes

According to Dr. Ron Rosedale, who invented the acronym DIE (Doctor Induced Exacerbation), some doctors practice DIE with type 2 diabetics because they assume the issue is simply high blood sugar instead of insulin resistance.
They ignore the fact that there is already too much insulin circulating in the blood from the pancreatic attempt at keeping up with dietary sugar intake that’s not being taken into cells to allow proper glucose metabolism. So they prescribe insulin, which in the case of a type 2 diabetic can be disastrous, eventually even turning a type 2 diabetic into a type 1 diabetic.
Getting insulin levels checked if possible is another way to diagnose diabetes and check on your progress recovering from diabetes if you’ve been diagnosed.
If insulin levels are high that’s a bad thing. If they drop after being diagnosed with diabetes 2, that’s a good thing.
There is also a test that averages out blood sugar readings over a three month period called the A1C test. The A1C test is a blood test that provides information about a person’s average levels of blood glucose, also known as the hemoglobin A1c, HbA1c, or glycohemoglobin test.
There’s a class of diabetic drugs commonly prescribed for type 2 diabetics that are linked to creating cancer. They are known as incretin mimetics. Mimetic means mimicry or imitating. Incretins are gut hormones that stimulate an insulin response while eating to handle the rising blood sugar.
Pharmaceutical imitators of incretins also inhibit the pancreas from putting out another hormone, glucagon, which causes your liver to release stored sugar into your bloodstream.
According to Dr. Rosedale this is the wrong approach of focusing on reducing blood sugar by increasing insulin when the issue is not sufficient insulin but cellular insulin resistance. It gets worse. Dr. Rosedale has uncovered several studies that link these incretin mimetic drugs to promoting cancer.
These drugs also inhibit the DPP-4 enzyme (dipeptidyl peptidase-4 enzyme), which is an enzyme that fights tumor growth and spreading or metastasis of tumors. It functions this way for 24 hours at a time. So if you take it daily as prescribed, you’re effectively continually removing a tumor suppressing action. Some of these drug labels even warn of pancreatitis as a side effect.
How much inflammation can a pancreas take before it becomes pancreatic cancer, the most lethal and difficult to cure cancer of them all? The studies Dr. Rosedale uncovered reference potential links to other cancers as well.
Here is a list of DPP-4 inhibiting drugs with their brand names in parenthesis:
• Exenatide (Byetta, Bydureon)
• Liraglutide (Victoza)

• Sitagliptin (Januvia, Janumet, Janumet XR, Juvisync)

• Saxagliptin (Onglyza, Kombiglyze XR)

• Alogliptin (Nesina, Kazano, Oseni)

• Linagliptin (Tradjenta, Jentadueto) (Source)

Ironically, a lot of the dietary issues that help create diabetes 2 are based on the wrong-headed assumption from around 1960 that a high carbohydrate low fat diet would stem the rate of heart disease. Well, that diet took hold and became dogma for most, yet heart disease rates remained the same while obesity and diabetes rapidly accelerated.
This low and no fat dogma created more and more processed oils using trans-fats and highly refined carbohydrate foods to compensate for the lack of healthy fats. Low and low fat foods themselves are also highly processed.
Sugar and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) were not only increased in sodas and fruit juices, they have been added to non-sweet processed foods to help get consumers addicted and enhance their inherently lacking taste and quality.
This trend, along with smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol and our sedentary lifestyles have been the main source of our diabetes epidemic.

Avoiding and Reversing Diabetes 2

First, abandon all processed and fast foods. Refined carbohydrates are most common in processed white breads, pastas, and pastries. They are too easily converted to glucose because they lack the fiber that dampens those sugar spikes. Consumption over time disrupts metabolism and lead to prediabetes, just for starters. Whole grain foods without any trace of processed grains are okay in moderation.
Whole organic fruits have fructose, but not nearly as concentrated as HFCS. Fructose in fruits that are high in fiber dampens the glycemic sugar spike. And organic whole fruits are nutritious. Fruit juices lack fiber however. Processed carbohydrates and sugars are devoid of fiber and are nutrient empty.
Leaning more toward consuming organic legumes (beans), green veggies, and nuts and seeds is actually food as your first medicine. Avoiding processed oils is important, that would be anything labeled partly hydrogenated or hydrogenated, such as those cheap vegetable oils and margarine. Those are bad fats, and bad fats also create metabolic issues on a cellular level.
An excellent almost medicinal fat that is easily metabolized into energy is coconut oil. Consuming a couple of tablespoons full daily and using it or olive oil for cooking instead of those cheap trans fatty acid oils is very helpful toward preventing and reversing diabetes.

Coconut Oil Effective in Treating Diabetes

Increasing omega-3 fatty acids with wild fish from relatively pristine waters and grass fed livestock that isn’t injected with hormones and antibiotics are recommended by nutritionists outside the old dogma paradigm of high carbs and low or no fat. That paradigm is still strong among our major nutritional health bureaucrats. Yet a ketogenic high fat diet has proven results. (Source)
Exercise is important, but it doesn’t have to be extreme or arduous, unless that’s preferred and well within your capacity. Walking briskly, ideally in the most natural settings possible, for a half-hour five days a week should be good enough for most. Instead of those dangerous pharmaceutical diabetes medications, there are some supplements that are helpful.
Liberal use of cinnamon has been discovered to help control blood sugar levels. Chromium is also helpful for the same reason. As a trace mineral supplement it is easy to use, while foods high in chromium include broccoli, raw cheese, green beans and grass-fed beef. Again, the medicinal qualities of virgin coconut oil are extremely beneficial. (Source)
It’s amazing how the willingness to change to a healthier lifestyle and diet alone can do more for diabetes than all the mainstream medical prescriptions that are not healing with side effects that are as bad or worse than the original malady.
Fasting is a more drastic approach that you have to be willing to take on before trying, as explained in this video, but one can see tremendous results.
There are actually other books on fasting, especially intermittent fasting, if you search for “intermittent fasting for health.”
Your diabetes strategy may have to include the cunning for using mainstream medical systems only for its diagnostic capability and a stubborn refusal to heed consensus orthodox medical dogma.

In our age of science as the new religion and science experts are the high priests, empirical evidence is considered anecdotal and dismissed or marginalized. Coconut oil has a lot of empirical evidence showing how it prevents or reverses dementia, which some consider diabetes 3 or diabetes of the brain.

No matter now many of these stories surface, mainstream media constantly refers to experts who insist on demanding studies only. It seems the medical field needs to know how something works with detailed explanations rather than relying on the observable empirical fact that people using coconut oil can prevent or recover from dementia and other neurological issues.

There are many empirical episodes of improving memory and slowing or reversing dementia with coconut oil that are dismissed as “anecdotal.” Fortunately there are increasing scientific studies that corroborate the many remarkable testimonies of recovering from dementia to perhaps convince naysayers of coconut oil’s health and healing properties.

A Recently Published Malaysian Coconut Oil Animal Study

The in-vivo (animal) study “Enhanced memory in Wistar rats by virgin coconut oil is associated with increased antioxidative, cholinergic activities and reduced oxidative stress” was published in January of 2017.

In case you’re wondering how rodents that don’t read or write or respond to visual cues of symbols can be tested for cognitive capacity and memory, it’s done with the Morris water maze (MWM).

But this particular research activity went beyond observing the rats’ ability to learn and remember what they had learned. The researchers wanted those biochemical details and the mechanics of their activities to understand just how virgin coconut oil (VCO) enhances memory.

The rats were randomly assigned into the control group with normal feed and saline only, and three groups with virgin coconut oil (VCO) of varying amounts added to normal feed. The VCO used was comprised of lauric acid (47.03%), myristic acid (18.71%), caprylic acid (7.93%), palmitic acid (8.86%), capric acid (5.84%), oleic acid (5.52%), stearic acid (3.27%), linoleic acid (0.87%) and caproic acid (1.88%).

For 31 days, the control group and VCO groups were fed according to the above proportions and their Morris water maze activities were observed. Although the VCO fed rats displayed superior learning and memory abilities, especially those fed the most VCO.

After 32 days, they were “sacrificed” by “cervical disconnection,” considered a humane euthanizing method that doesn’t pollute their internal biochemical content, allowing an uncontaminated biochemical assay and mechanical analysis of the dynamics involved with their improved memory and cognitive capacity.

The researchers removed the rats’ brains to analyze the biochemical properties enhanced of varying VCO amounts compared to the control group with saline only added. They discovered dose dependent increased cholinergic activity, specifically the neurotransmitter ACh, in rat brains of the VCO groups. ACh plays an important role in effective synaptic transmission during acquiring new information and consolidation of memory.

Also observed were VCO polyphenols and ketones induced changes of antioxidant status and reduced oxidative stress and inflammation in the rat brains whose memory and learning skills were noticeably improved during MWM testing.

The research paper stated as part of its findings:

The promising outcomes of this study strongly imply the possible use of VCO, not only as neuroprotective agents for those suffering from neurodegenerative diseases, but also as brain food (supplements for the health populations). (Full study text)

A Canadian VCO Study From Around the Same Time

This was an in-vitro (lab culture) study titled “Coconut oil protects cortical neurons from amyloid beta toxicity by enhancing signaling of cell survival pathways” and also published recently (2017).

From their observations of adding coconut oil to cultures with rat brain neurons they observed:

Coconut oil and its medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) protect against amyloid beta (Aβ) induced neurotoxicity in primary rat cortical neurons.
Amyloid beta is a protein fragment precursor to amyloid plaque and brain tangles that manifest dementia. Coconut oil also stimulated Akt protein enzyme pathways, which play a key role in multiple cellular processes such as glucose metabolism, apoptosis, cell proliferation, transcription and cell migration.
The researchers also observed coconut oil’s medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) or medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) ketone body influence as energy for a brain that is glucose impaired by insulin resistance, considered brain diabetes or type 3 diabetes.

The complete coconut oil proved more effective than lauric acid, and neurons treated 24 hours prior to amyloid beta introduction was most beneficial, implying the protective aspect of coconut oil against neuro-degenenerative disease. (Abstract source)

This is yet more science to confirm what many report from their personal experience by consuming coconut oil at two to four tablespoons daily. Even senior moment memory issues and brain fog has been resolved by ingesting coconut oil at the lower amounts while higher amounts have been known to lower serious Alzheimer’s symptoms. (Source)

Virgin coconut oil is indeed a superior safe and inexpensive brain food.


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