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June 2016


You may have noticed a lot of people drinking coconut water these days. There are a number of brands that can be found in any of the large grocery stores and drug stores and they all make a number of health claims. So what is the deal with coconut water? What can it really do for you?

First off, coconut water and coconut milk are two different things. Coconut milk, coconut cream, and coconut oil are all products made from the meat of the coconut. Coconut water is the actual liquid that fills the center of the coconut. If you buy a fresh coconut, you can literally crack it open, put a straw in and drink it up. In fact, coconut juice is a great natural “sports” drink for post-workout and has been used as a source of hydration for centuries in tropical countries.

Benefits of Coconut Water:
  • Fat free and cholesterol free.
  • Low in calories.
  • Alkaline in nature – meaning, it is less acidic than juice and won’t upset your stomach.
  • Contains more potassium than a banana or your sports drink.
  • Contains less sugar most sports drinks.
  • Contains five essential electrolytes: sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus.

Most brands of coconut water (sometimes also called coconut juice) will have no added sugar, but double check the label to be sure. Some doctors will also caution that if you are doing long, very strenuous workouts you may need more sodium than the naturally low sodium coconut water provides.  For most of us, however, coconut water provides a natural, refreshing way to rehydrate after a workout or just to drink throughout the day. It is also a great way to keep your kids hydrated without offering them sodas or sugary sports drinks. The kids at my gym love the many flavors that Vita-Coco offers, but my personal favorite is Amy & Brian.



In this Ultra Spiritual episode, JP walks you through the best uses for coconut oil. You'll have everything from your health, weight loss, and beauty 100% taken care of with these genius uses of this magical oil.

Please wait for a while for the video to load up and then press the play button.


Simple Homemade Coconut Oil Leave in Conditioner

Coconut oil helps restore your hair’s natural moisture balance and oil. Rich in protein, fatty acids, vitamins B and C, zinc, potassium, iron, coconut oil is one of the best means of getting rid of dry hair forever. Coconut contains medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) that soak quickly into the hair follicles and scalp. Vitamin E, Lauric acidand capric acid in coconut oil helps restructure hair and makes it shiny. Give it a shot; it’s one of the simplest recipes for DIY leave in conditioners out there.

Simple Homemade Coconut Oil Leave in Conditioner


  • 3 tablespoons organic coconut oil, melted (here)
  • water
  • spray bottle


  • Add the coconut oil to the spray bottle.
  • Pour water into the spray bottle and shake.
  • Spray the mixture onto your dry or damp hair.
  • Use this formula on a regular basis to see the amazing results.

According to the latest laboratory research, medical experts have found that lauric acid eliminates more than 90% of colon cancer cells just after 2 days of treatment. Coconut oil is loaded with lauric acid – it’s almost half of the content of coconut oil. The most interesting thing is that the lauric acid contaminates the cancer cells by releasing intense oxidative stress. So, with this process, the lauric acid reduces the levels of glutathione in cancer cells very efficiently. The glutathione in cancer cells is used to protect them from oxidative stress.

Not many studies have pointed out the anti-cancer properties of coconut oil. But, coconut oil is known for its healing properties and benefits and it’s used by many people in the world for many years. Few medicinal studies have confirmed the fact that coconut oil is extremely efficient in eliminating bacteria, various diseases, parasites, fungi and harmful microorganisms. It’s also extremely useful with: promotes digestion, aids liver health, improves skin health, reduces inflammation and accelerates wound healing.

coconut oil kills cancer
Some medical experts say that coconut oil can be also extremely useful in treating diabetes. This is because the coconut oil has the ability to increase the levels of HDL (the good cholesterol) in women and regulates the HDL – LDL ratio and it support weight loss efforts in men and women. Today, the coconut oil is a part of few clinical trials focused on stabilization of cholesterol levels in patients suffering from chronic heart disease. The medical experts also work on preventing and fighting Alzheimer’s disease and in stabilizing blood sugar levels and blood pressure.

This oil is unique when it comes to the presence of lauric acid. This is because the lauric acid takes about half of the coconut’s oil content. Actually, the lauric acid is a specific type of triglyceride that is very difficult to find in other foods. You should also know that the cow’s fat consists of 2% lauric acid and about 6% of human milk is lauric acid. This proves the fact that human beings need more lauric acid than other living beings.

All these scientific studies don’t mean that coconut oil is the natural cure for cancer, but it’s a reminder for all the scientists in the world, who work in this field, that Mother Nature has provided many means and tools to fight disease. And we all should invest more in the medical researches and studies of these natural remedies.


If you've ever cracked open a coconut on your own, you know how terrible it can be...but this man may have learned the secret to making that process a little bit easier.

It doesn't seem like a safe method, but it's very efficient. Just make sure that you consult your dentist before trying this at home.

  (source: Marcin Sroka)

I want to know what this guy has going on with his teeth, because I'm pretty sure I'd need dentures after doing that.


Today, coconut oil is considered as a super-food, but still, there is a lot of controversy around this ingredient.

People think that the saturated fat included in it could cause heart ailments, but they are very wrong. Some even know about its health benefits, but still don’t want to consume it because they are afraid that it is too caloric, which is again an untrue, since its calories aren’t the same.

In addition, there people who are using it every day, for everything,

Two tablespoons of coconut oil, can give you many health benefits because this oil is very helpful for your health, losing weight and will protect you from many diseases.

One tablespoon of coconut oil contains 120 calories, but there is no place for panic as these calories aren’t the same calories like others. In fact, our metabolic health and hormones are affected by the food we eat.

When compared to other fats and foods, coconut oil is more thermogenic, which means it raises the energy spend. This means that coconut oil helps us to burn our calories, the more we eat coconut oil, the more we lose weight.

If you intend to lower your weight, you should consume fewer calories. This means more exercise, but doesn’t necessarily mean you need to take fewer calories.

What you need to do is to eat foods that will enhance, and not decelerate your metabolism, which will allow you to nourish your body and burn fat. Hormonal balance is another important factor for the weight loss process, so you should maintain your body organs, particularly thyroid and liver.

Coconut oil improves the health of your liver and thyroid, so you should consume it if you intend to lose weight in safe and healthy way.

It prevents many different diseases and health conditions

Coconut oil has potent anti-inflammatory characteristics. It decreases the production of free radicals, which results with better health of the cells by preventing oxidative stress and harm. This is not all:
Coconut oil doesn’t affect blood sugar levels directly, but it still can control insulin and blood sugar levels.

The doctors and nutritionists claim that diabetics should have a diet loaded with carbohydrates, but with small levels of refined sugar and fat. Anyway, this oil assists the penetration of glucose into cells, and decreases or slows down the levels of insulin in the blood.

In addition, it is very important for the patient to have balanced meals that contain all kinds of food. It is very important for the patient to eat high-quality fats such as coconut oil.

Coconut oil includes healthy fat that regulates blood sugar levels, since it slows down the digestive process in order to obtain all the energy from the food by reducing the overall glycemix index of the meal.

The carbohydrate meals that contain coconut oil are better because the oil degrades them into glucose slower, which maintains the blood sugar levels stable, even after the meal.

Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids (MCTs), which is made of long-chain fatty acids, mostly PUFAs, which is not the case with other vegetable oils like sunflower, soybean, corn and canola oils.

Oils that contain long-chain fatty acids can decrease the ability of cells to absorb blood sugar, which could worsen the diabetes and insulin resistance. You should know that only healthy cells are using the coconut oil.

Studies have confirmed that populations who include coconut oil in their diet are one of the healthiest in the world. This is because this oil significantly improves the heart health.

A study conducted on Polynesians who consume over 60% of their total calories from coconut has confirmed that they have perfect heart and are incredibly healthy.

The people from Papua, New Guinea eat a lot of coconut foods, including coconut oil. There aren’t any reports of death due to heart attacks or strokes.

When it comes to the American population, during the last 60 years, an incredible increase of strokes, heart diseases and cholesterol raisings have been reported. This is the period when coconut oil has been left aside as ‘extremely harmful’ ingredient.

Unlike the polyunsaturated fatty acid oils, coconut oil doesn’t oxidize if applied to heat, oxygen or light. It doesn’t harm arteries like the other oils in case of oxidative stress.

If your family has a history with heart disease, it is highly recommended for you to add this oil in your regular diet.

Many studies discovered the relation between metabolism, thyroid and coconut oil. In fact, coconut oil includes fatty acids that help in the weight loss process, provide plenty of energy for the body and enhance the metabolism.

Most of the people aren’t aware that hypothyroidism is in fact an autoimmune ailment and that is the reason why conventional treatment is unsuccessful to provide positive results. The use of alternative thyroid hormones without addressing the root cause, is simply useless.

In addition, must heal the inflammation if you intend to address thyroid problems, as it reduces the transformation of T4, the inactive form of thyroid hormone, to T3, and it must be done before it can be used. Coconut oil diminishes inflammation and improves the liver health, which allows effective transformation of T4 to T3.

Today, coconut oil is considered as a super-food, but still, there is a lot of controversy around this ingredient.


People think that the saturated fat included in it could cause heart ailments, but they are very wrong. Some even know about its health benefits, but still don’t want to consume it because they are afraid that it is too caloric, which is again an untrue, since its calories aren’t the same.

In addition, there people who are using it every day, for everything,

Two tablespoons of coconut oil, can give you many health benefits because this oil is very helpful for your health, losing weight and will protect you from many diseases.

These are some of the most important benefits of coconut oil:

One tablespoon of coconut oil contains 120 calories, but there is no place for panic as these calories aren’t the same calories like others. In fact, our metabolic health and hormones are affected by the food we eat.

These are some of the most important benefits of coconut oil:
Weight Loss

One tablespoon of coconut oil contains 120 calories, but there is no place for panic as these calories aren’t the same calories like others. In fact, our metabolic health and hormones are affected by the food we eat.

When compared to other fats and foods, coconut oil is more thermogenic, which means it raises the energy spend. This means that coconut oil helps us to burn our calories, the more we eat coconut oil, the more we lose weight.

If you intend to lower your weight, you should consume fewer calories. This means more exercise, but doesn’t necessarily mean you need to take fewer calories.

What you need to do is to eat foods that will enhance, and not decelerate your metabolism, which will allow you to nourish your body and burn fat. Hormonal balance is another important factor for the weight loss process, so you should maintain your body organs, particularly thyroid and liver.

Coconut oil improves the health of your liver and thyroid, so you should consume it if you intend to lose weight in safe and healthy way.

It prevents many different diseases and health conditions

Coconut oil has potent anti-inflammatory characteristics. It decreases the production of free radicals, which results with better health of the cells by preventing oxidative stress and harm. This is not all:
  • Anti-oxidant characteristics – keeps you safe from free radicals
  • Anti-inflammatory characteristics – diminishes inflammation and mends tissue
  • Anti-microbial characteristics – disables dangerous microbes and fights against infections
  • Anti-bacterial characteristics – disables bacteria which causes throat infections, gum disease, urinary tract infections and ulcers
  • Anti-fungal characteristics – eliminates fungus and yeast that lead to infections
  • Anti-retroviral/parasitic/protozoa/viral characteristics – eliminates lice, tapeworms and other parasites, kills HIV and HTLV-1, heals protozoan infection in the gut, kills viruses that cause influenza, hepatitis, measles, herpes, AIDS, etc.
  • Anti-carcinogenic characteristics – it improves the immune system which prevents the expansion of cacner cells
Stabilize Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels

Coconut oil doesn’t affect blood sugar levels directly, but it still can control insulin and blood sugar levels.

The doctors and nutritionists claim that diabetics should have a diet loaded with carbohydrates, but with small levels of refined sugar and fat. Anyway, this oil assists the penetration of glucose into cells, and decreases or slows down the levels of insulin in the blood.

In addition, it is very important for the patient to have balanced meals that contain all kinds of food. It is very important for the patient to eat high-quality fats such as coconut oil.

Coconut oil includes healthy fat that regulates blood sugar levels, since it slows down the digestive process in order to obtain all the energy from the food by reducing the overall glycemix index of the meal.

The carbohydrate meals that contain coconut oil are better because the oil degrades them into glucose slower, which maintains the blood sugar levels stable, even after the meal.

Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids (MCTs), which is made of long-chain fatty acids, mostly PUFAs, which is not the case with other vegetable oils like sunflower, soybean, corn and canola oils.

Oils that contain long-chain fatty acids can decrease the ability of cells to absorb blood sugar, which could worsen the diabetes and insulin resistance. You should know that only healthy cells are using the coconut oil.
Reduces the risk of Heart Disease

Studies have confirmed that populations who include coconut oil in their diet are one of the healthiest in the world. This is because this oil significantly improves the heart health.

A study conducted on Polynesians who consume over 60% of their total calories from coconut has confirmed that they have perfect heart and are incredibly healthy.

The people from Papua, New Guinea eat a lot of coconut foods, including coconut oil. There aren’t any reports of death due to heart attacks or strokes.

When it comes to the American population, during the last 60 years, an incredible increase of strokes, heart diseases and cholesterol raisings have been reported. This is the period when coconut oil has been left aside as ‘extremely harmful’ ingredient.

Unlike the polyunsaturated fatty acid oils, coconut oil doesn’t oxidize if applied to heat, oxygen or light. It doesn’t harm arteries like the other oils in case of oxidative stress.

If your family has a history with heart disease, it is highly recommended for you to add this oil in your regular diet.

Boosts Thyroid Function

Many studies discovered the relation between metabolism, thyroid and coconut oil. In fact, coconut oil includes fatty acids that help in the weight loss process, provide plenty of energy for the body and enhance the metabolism.

Most of the people aren’t aware that hypothyroidism is in fact an autoimmune ailment and that is the reason why conventional treatment is unsuccessful to provide positive results. The use of alternative thyroid hormones without addressing the root cause, is simply useless.

In addition, must heal the inflammation if you intend to address thyroid problems, as it reduces the transformation of T4, the inactive form of thyroid hormone, to T3, and it must be done before it can be used. Coconut oil diminishes inflammation and improves the liver health, which allows effective transformation of T4 to T3.

Fights Candida

The Medical Daily reported that the magazine of the American Society for Microbiology, Sphere, released a study which confirmed that this oil is able to treat in infection in the bloodstream which is result of Candida albicans.

These are the signs of Candida overgrowth:
  • Digestive problems such as diarrhea, bloating and constipation
  • Autoimmune ailments such as arthritis, rheumatoid, ulcerative colitis, lupus, psoriasis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, scleroderma, multiple sclerosis
  • Weakness and tiredness, chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia
  • Intense refined carbohydrate or sugar desires
  • Blurred mind, lack of concentration, memory issues, ADD, ADHD
  • Skin problems like eczema, rashes, hives and psoriasis
  • Fungal infections on the skin and nails such as athlete’s foot or toenail fungus
  • Serious seasonal allergies or itchy ears
  • Changes in mood, irritability, anxiety and depression
  • Vaginal infections, vaginal itching, urinary tract infections, rectal itching
A late research from the Rice University showed that up to 70% of the people are suffering from Candida.

Candida overgrowth results with many problems like problems while losing weight, sleep and handling stress. But coconut oil can be a great ally in this struggle of yours because it can disable the Candida overgrowth.

It melts belly fat

Coconut oil will allow you to burn your excess belly fat quite easy and effectively. In fact, it will burn your visceral fat, which is the most harmful fat and it is related with many health conditions.

By consuming only 2 tablespoons of coconut oil you will be able to burn your fat. In addition, this oil will make your hair radiant, clear your thoughts and make your skin glow.

During a study, 40 women with abdominal obesity were monitored. They were given coconut oil regularly, every day. The scientists concluded that in only 3 months, the BMI and the waist of the women were greatly reduced, without any side effects at all.

But, don’t expect that coconut oil will burn your body weight immediately. It requires some period of time, a week or a month. It should be your daily habit and the results will surely come.

When it comes to cooking, coconut oil is one of the healthiest for this purpose. Know that with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil daily you will get rid of every health problem and the excess fats. Start using coconut oil and you will be blessed with healthy and better life.



If wrinkles and sagging facial skin are making you problems, you should try the following natural cleanser.

The combination of coconut oil and baking soda is capable of cleansing your skin deeply, penetrating into the pores and effectively eliminating the acne and blackheads. It exfoliates your skin, removes extra dirt and oil and heals any skin issue.

Baking soda can be used in many different purposes, including aesthetic ones. Some people think that it can be used only for baking and cleaning, but it is strong deodorizing and polishing agent as well. Baking soda is good substitution for the chemical cleaning products. Anyway, people started to use it as a cosmetic product long time ago. Not only it can treat acne and similar skin issues, but it also normalizes the pH of the skin and keeps you safe from further similar problems.

Coconut oil moisturizes the skin and provides it with antibacterial characteristics which is good for its overall health.


  • 2 teaspoons of extra virgin coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda

Combine the ingredients in some bowl and mix them well until you get a paste. Apply the resulting paste on the desired area. Leave it to work for 5 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. Massage the treated area at the end. The coconut oil will hydrate the skin, which means that shouldn’t apply a moisturizer when the procedure is done.



YouTube Tito4re is back pouring molten copper into coconuts, this time without the coconut water. The results are surprisingly interesting, with the molten copper turning the coconut into a spitting, rumbling, hairy grenade.

I really love these experiments and sometimes the reactions are so weird. Messing around with molten metals has become popular nowadays and i personally expect that something new can be revealed.

Incredible: Pouring Molten Copper Into A Coconut Creates A Very Weird Reaction

Now check out the video below and see these weird reaction below i m sure that you never seen something similar before. Enjoy!


This ice-cream is made of healthy ingredients, including coconut milk, and it does not contain any of the sugary mixtures that the other types of ice-cream contain. You can also replace the coconut milk with coconut cream which you can find in all stores for healthy food.

We are all familiar to the fact that coconuts are rich in healthy nutrients and considerably improve the health in numerous aspects. Coconuts contain numerous minerals, dietary fiber, and vitamins B1, B3, B5, B6, E and C.

Coconut cream is made of the cream that rises in the production of coconut milk. The production of coconut milk involves grating and heating the flesh. Coconut milk is a perfect substitution for milk, especially for people who are lactose intolerant, since it provides the same benefits as milk does, without upsetting the stomach.

Just like other nuts, coconuts are also full of fats and calories. However, these fats are saturated, short and medium chain fatty acids and contain substances that are highly beneficial when it comes to preventing infections and viruses.

As a result, coconut milk works great in desserts and it in fact makes them healthier that the regular treats.

This delicious ice-cream can be prepared in the following way:

  • 2 t of vanilla extract
  • ¼ cup of maple syrup
  • 1 14 oz. can of full-fat coconut milk cooled overnight or coconut cream
  • 4 t tapioca flour and water, combined into a slurry
Optional ingredients:

  • fruits for topping
  • unsweetened coconut flakes


For the preparation of this ice-cream you will need less than 25 minutes, and for the cooking, you will need about four hours. This recipe serves 3-4.

Put the mixing bowl and the coconut milk in the freezer for about fifteen minutes so that it cools. Next, whip the coconut milk, the tapioca flour slurry, the maple syrup, and the vanilla extract in the cooled bowl for about five to ten minutes, using a stand mixer or egg beaters.

What you should do next is to pour the mixture into a liner freezer-safe container, then wrap the container gently with plastic wrap and foil, and then leave it in the freezer for four hours or overnight. Once the ice-cream is fully frozen, let it for about ten minutes to thaw, and then scoop it.

Once you try it, you will see that this is the healthiest and the tastiest ice-cream you have ever eaten in your life.



Training lasts for 3 to 6 months and there are 30-40 graduates a year. Hundreds find work afterwards in local plantations. 

And they're all monkeys! Their batty paternal trainer teaches them to scamper up coconut palms and deftly twist off the nuts. Their harvest can be as much as 500 nuts a day. 

They also perform for the tourists - a much more lucrative trade in Thailand. A captivating film about a mutually beneficial relationship between man and beast.


Coconut oil is said to make marijuana more ‘bio-available”, meaning the degree to which food nutrients are available for absorption and utilization in the body. Coconut oil is especially effective when it comes to extracting THC due to its saturated fat content. It is capable of absorbing much more cannabinoids than butter or other oils.

The fact that marijuana is a potent medicine is no longer a secret, and the medical marijuana movement is gaining moment. For centuries humans have used the cannabis plant to treat an array of conditions – from inflammation, aches, swelling, insomnia, gout menstrual pain, depression and more. With this has come the variety of ways humans ingest the substance – from smoking it to vaping to eating it, or evening combining it with natural, whole foods.

One of the easiest, safest and healthiest ways of consuming medical marijuana is to infuse it into coconut oil.

Like marijuana, coconut oil has a multitude of benefits and is used as a natural skin care and hair care product. Pure, organic coconut oil boosts the immune system and aids with digestion among other things. This is because of the presence of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid. These acids work as anti-microbal, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial agents.

When marijuana is combined with coconut oil, it results in a cannabinoid intense medicine that can either be taken in capsule form, added to food or applied topically.

Even just taking a half a teaspoon of coconut oil along with your drop of medical marijuana oil can increase the bio-availability of the medicine.

To make infused coconut oil, use 1 gram of decarboxylated cannabis for every ounce of coconut oil. Coarsely crumble the cannabis, put it in a jar and add the coconut oil. Put the lid on the jar and place it in a pan of water. Heat the water to just below boiling for 1 hour. This prevents the oil from overheating.

Strain the oil to remove the plant material. Be sure to press all of the liquid out of the cannabis. Strain it through cheesecloth if you wish.

At this point the coconut oil can be eaten as is, used as an ingredient when cooking, or used as a topical (salve, lotions, etc.). You can cook with the oil as long as the temperature is less than the boiling point of THC, that is, 315° F.



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